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days in italy

MAY 2025 - Northern Italian adventure Lake Como-Valtellina

May 29th - June 6th 2025

Christopher Creek Logo

This trip is based in Valtellina and Lake Como , designed to give you a taste of food, wine, exploration, and of course, great times at the castle. 

We will adventure inside history, culture, and one of the most beautiful places in Italy. 

Each day will include breakfast, various activities, and intimate dinners.
Starting From € 3.299€ pp
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Day 1   |   May 29th 2025

Welcome Dinner

Day 2   |   May 30th 2025

Franciacorta: A sparkling gem in Lombardy

Day 3   |   May 31th 2025

Lake Como Private Boat

Day 3   |   May 31th 2025

Welcome dinner main trip

Day 4   |   June 1st 2025

Bellagio & Cooking Class

Day 5   |   June 2nd 2025

Bormio, Spa & Fashion Dinner

Day 6   |   June 3rd 2025

Wine Day & Medieval Night

Day 7   |   June 4th 2025

Red Train & Pizza party and karaoke

Day 8   |   June 5th 2025

Artisan Tour & Gala Dinner at the Castle

Day 9   |   June 6th 2025

Leaving Day

Day 1 | May 29th 2025

Welcome Dinner

Arrive at your beautiful Hotel where you will meet your hosts and fellow pre-trip guests for sparkling wine and socializing. Together you will make your way to one of the top restaurants for an amazing wine paired dinner.

Day 2 | May 30th 2025

Franciacorta: A sparkling gem in Lombardy

Nestled in the verdant hills of Lombardy, Franciacorta is a haven for food, wine, and nature lovers. Renowned for its top-notch sparkling wines, it's known as the "Champagne of Italy."

We will be visiting two of the top wineries, a day dedicated to sparkling wines but with much more to offer!

Day 3 | May 31th 2025

Lake Como Private Boat

Private boat tour of the most beautiful spots on Lake Como. 

See George Clooney’s Villa from the water and take a private guided tour of Villa del Balbianello. Enjoy lunch on the lake followed by another villa tour before meeting the main group for the welcome aperitivo.

Day 3 | May 31th 2025

Welcome dinner main trip

Arrive at your beautiful Hotel where you will meet your hosts and fellow pre-trip guests for sparkling wine and socializing. Together you will make your way to one of the top restaurants for an amazing wine paired dinner.

Day 4 | June 1st 2025

Bellagio & Cooking Class


We spend the morning in beautiful Bellagio in the heart of the Lake. Explore the beautiful side streets full of amazing shops/ restaurants/ and wine bars. After lunch we take the ferry across the lake to Varenna where we head up to the Valtellina where we will enjoy the rest of our trip.


Cooking Class, Return late afternoonin time for a cooking class where you will learn how to make the most famous dish in the Valtellina, Pizzoccheri.

Relax e fashion
Day 5 | June 2nd 2025

Bormio, Spa & Fashion Dinner


Bormio and Spa Day Tour of Historic Bormio and afternoon relaxing in the luxurious Bagni Vecchi thermal spa.


Fashion Dinner/Villa. This is a night to show off your most fashionabletrip outfit. Sparkling wine and tour of the Strambini family`s Villa Visconti hosted by Maura Strambini. Enjoy typical Cuisine while learning all about Italian fashion.

Relax e fashion
Medieval Dinner!
Day 6 | June 3rd 2025

Wine Day & Medieval Night


Spend the day visitng the best botique family owned wineries in the Valtellina. We will be personally hosted by the actual families who have made the most famous wines in the region for generations. 


Medieval Dinner and dancing at the Castle

Pizza party!
Day 7 | June 4th 2025

Red Train & Pizza party and karaoke


For our Red Train Day, we will take a trip from Tirano to Saint Moritz on the Bernina Red Train. With immaculate views of the Alps, we will discover magnificent, breathtaking scenery along a steep route. You will enjoy a journey that goes past Lake Poschiavo and continues to the panoramic point of Alp Grüm ending with a decent in the Bernina mountains, with views of its "sparkling eternal snow, as we pass through to St. Moritz".


Pizza Party & Karaoke

Pizza party!
Gala Dinner
Day 8 | June 5th 2025

Artisan Tour & Gala Dinner at the Castle


Artisan tour + a Winery Taste some of the best artisan treats from the producers themselves. Then spend the afternoon enjoying wine at another small family owned winery. Return in time for the Venetian Masquerade Goodby Gala dinner at the castle.


Gala dinner at the castle with Venetian theme

Day 9 | June 6th 2025

Leaving Day

Tips: the Airport to flight in it will be Milan (all the tre Milan airport are fine)

On the arrival day the suggested landing time is 3PM or before 
On the leaving day: 12AM  or after ( You probably want some rest after the last night)

Transfer: All the transfers and trasportations from the moment you arrive at the hotel are included.  

Flying in transfer: Just outside bagage claim of the airport you can book your uber , or take a classic cab. They works h24. 

Flyng out transfer: we can help you organize that during your stay. 

we promise this will be the most amazing and fun trip you have ever taken to italy!
Foppoli Castle

Realize your dream trip

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These trips generally sell out very quickly so fill out the form to reserve your spot ASAP.

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€ 0.00 p.p.

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€ 0,00
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Privacy policy and data processing

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to describe how the site currently found at www.foppolicastle.com is managed with regard to the processing of personal data of users/visitors who consult it.

This information is also provided pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter also "General Data Protection Regulation" or "GDPR") to those who access the aforementioned site.

The above site is owned by Foppoli Castle Srl Via Castello 1, 23030 Mazzo di Valtellina, SO, Italy.

The information is provided by Foppoli Castle Srl exclusively for the above-mentioned website and not also for other websites or sections/pages/spaces owned by Third Parties that may be consulted by the user through appropriate links.

Users/visitors are invited to carefully read this Privacy Policy before providing any kind of personal information and/or filling in any electronic form on the site itself.

If the users/visitors are required, in order to access certain services, to give their personal data, a special and detailed Information on the relevant processing pursuant to Article 13 of the RGPD will be issued in advance on the pages relating to the individual services, which will specify the methods, purposes and limits of the processing itself.

1. Data controller

The data controller is Foppoli Castle Srl Via Castello 1, 23030 Mazzo di Valtellina, SO, Italy. Email: info@foppolicastle.com

2. Type of data processed purpose and legal basis for processing

2.1. Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, in the normal course of operation, some personal data that are then implicitly transmitted in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This is information that by its nature could, through association and processing with data held by third parties, allow identification of users/visitors (e.g. IP address, domain names of computers used by users/visitors connecting to the site, etc.).

This data is used for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information (so it is anonymous) and to check the proper functioning of the site.

2.2. Data provided voluntarily by users/visitors
If users/visitors connecting to this site send their personal data to access certain services, that is, to make requests via e-mail, there will be the acquisition of such data by Foppoli Castle Srl and/or third parties together with which Foppoli Castle Srl may provide the service requested by the user/visitor; such data will be processed exclusively to respond to the request, that is, for the provision of the service in accordance with this Policy and the specific Privacy Policy provided when subscribing to individual services.

2.3. Purposes of processing for direct marketing purposes
With the specific consent of the interested party, Foppoli Castle Srl may use the data provided voluntarily for direct marketing activities, to send advertising and informative material; carry out direct activities of sale or placement of products or services; send commercial information; carry out interactive commercial communications.

For the processing of data preordained to the performance of direct marketing activities, it is mandatory to acquire the consent - specific and separate - from the data subject, who is as of now informed that such conferment is entirely optional and any refusal will not entail any consequence (except that of preventing the processing of data aimed at direct marketing).

For the treatments referred to in nos. 2.4. it is clarified that the legal basis is represented by the express consent. For the treatments referred to in nos. 2.1 and 2.2. the legal basis is represented by the execution of requested services or respond to the request of users/visitors.

3. Recipients of personal data

No data derived from the web service will be communicated or disclosed to third parties, except to fulfill the obligations required by laws, regulations or EU regulations.

Personal data expressly conferred by users/visitors will be communicated to third parties only if the communication is necessary to comply with the requests of the users/visitors themselves, subject to the provisions of the specific Informatives of the individual services.

4. Data Transfer to Third Countries

Within the scope of the purposes indicated in Article 3 of this Information Notice, your personal data will not be communicated/transferred to third parties established in countries outside the European Union, with the possible exception of the provisions for the use of Cookies.

5. Method of processing and data retention period

Data are processed by automated means (e.g., using electronic procedures and media) and/or manually (e.g., on paper) for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected and, in any case, in accordance with the relevant regulations.

Personal data will be kept for the amount of time strictly necessary to pursue the specific purposes of the processing and, in particular:

- for the data indicated in Article 2.1., for the time necessary to carry out the specified activities, except for any findings of computer crimes to the detriment of the site;

- for the data indicated in art. 2.2., for the time necessary to carry out the services requested or respond to the requests made, except for any investigation of computer crimes to the detriment of the site; any further details on the retention of data regarding the individual service or request made may be provided in the specific information for the individual service requested;

- for the purposes indicated in Article 2.3. (marketing) for 24 (twenty-four) months from the time of the release of the specific and express consent to the processing by users/visitors.

6. Rights of the Interested Party

Users/visitors may at any time exercise the following direct.

a. Access to personal data: to obtain confirmation or otherwise that data concerning them is being processed and, if so, access to the following information: the purposes, the categories of data, the recipients, the period of storage, the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, the right to request rectification or cancellation or restriction of processing or opposition to the processing itself as well as the existence of an automated decision-making process;

b. Request for rectification or erasure of the same or restriction of processing concerning them; "restriction" means the marking of retained data with the aim of limiting their processing in the future;

c. Objection to processing: to object for reasons related to the particular situation to the processing of data for the performance of a public interest task or the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Controllers;

d. Portability of data: in the case of automated processing carried out on the basis of consent or in performance of a contract, to receive in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format the data concerning them; in particular, the data will be provided by the Controllers in .xml, or similar, format;

e. Revocation of consent to the processing for marketing purposes, both direct and indirect, market research; the exercise of this right does not affect in any way the lawfulness of the processing carried out before the revocation;

f. To lodge a complaint pursuant to Article 77 of the GDPR to the competent supervisory authority based on habitual residence, place of work or place of violation of rights; for Italy, the competent authority is the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali, which can be contacted through the contact details given on the website http://www.garanteprivacy.it.

The aforementioned rights may be exercised by sending an appropriate request to the Data Controller through the contact channels indicated in art. 1 of this policy.

Requests relating to the exercise of rights will be processed without undue delay and, in any case, within one month of the request; only in cases of particular complexity and the number of requests this deadline may be extended by an additional 2 (two) months.

7. Communication and provision of data

With the exception of what is specified for the data in Article 2.1 (navigation data, the failure to provide which coincides with the failure to navigate the website), users/visitors are free to provide their personal data and their failure to provide them may only result in the impossibility of obtaining the requested service.

8. Updating and amending the Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy may be subject to change over time - also related to the possible entry into force of new sector regulations, the updating or provision of new services or to intervening technological innovations - so the user/visitor is invited to periodically consult this page.

Privacy policy and data processing

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to describe how the site currently found at www.foppolicastle.com is managed with regard to the processing of personal data of users/visitors who consult it.

This information is also provided pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter also "General Data Protection Regulation" or "GDPR") to those who access the aforementioned site.

The above site is owned by Foppoli Castle Srl Via Castello 1, 23030 Mazzo di Valtellina, SO, Italy.

The information is provided by Foppoli Castle Srl exclusively for the above-mentioned website and not also for other websites or sections/pages/spaces owned by Third Parties that may be consulted by the user through appropriate links.

Users/visitors are invited to carefully read this Privacy Policy before providing any kind of personal information and/or filling in any electronic form on the site itself.

If the users/visitors are required, in order to access certain services, to give their personal data, a special and detailed Information on the relevant processing pursuant to Article 13 of the RGPD will be issued in advance on the pages relating to the individual services, which will specify the methods, purposes and limits of the processing itself.

1. Data controller

The data controller is Foppoli Castle Srl Via Castello 1, 23030 Mazzo di Valtellina, SO, Italy. Email: info@foppolicastle.com

2. Type of data processed purpose and legal basis for processing

2.1. Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, in the normal course of operation, some personal data that are then implicitly transmitted in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This is information that by its nature could, through association and processing with data held by third parties, allow identification of users/visitors (e.g. IP address, domain names of computers used by users/visitors connecting to the site, etc.).

This data is used for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information (so it is anonymous) and to check the proper functioning of the site.

2.2. Data provided voluntarily by users/visitors
If users/visitors connecting to this site send their personal data to access certain services, that is, to make requests via e-mail, there will be the acquisition of such data by Foppoli Castle Srl and/or third parties together with which Foppoli Castle Srl may provide the service requested by the user/visitor; such data will be processed exclusively to respond to the request, that is, for the provision of the service in accordance with this Policy and the specific Privacy Policy provided when subscribing to individual services.

2.3. Purposes of processing for direct marketing purposes
With the specific consent of the interested party, Foppoli Castle Srl may use the data provided voluntarily for direct marketing activities, to send advertising and informative material; carry out direct activities of sale or placement of products or services; send commercial information; carry out interactive commercial communications.

For the processing of data preordained to the performance of direct marketing activities, it is mandatory to acquire the consent - specific and separate - from the data subject, who is as of now informed that such conferment is entirely optional and any refusal will not entail any consequence (except that of preventing the processing of data aimed at direct marketing).

For the treatments referred to in nos. 2.4. it is clarified that the legal basis is represented by the express consent. For the treatments referred to in nos. 2.1 and 2.2. the legal basis is represented by the execution of requested services or respond to the request of users/visitors.

3. Recipients of personal data

No data derived from the web service will be communicated or disclosed to third parties, except to fulfill the obligations required by laws, regulations or EU regulations.

Personal data expressly conferred by users/visitors will be communicated to third parties only if the communication is necessary to comply with the requests of the users/visitors themselves, subject to the provisions of the specific Informatives of the individual services.

4. Data Transfer to Third Countries

Within the scope of the purposes indicated in Article 3 of this Information Notice, your personal data will not be communicated/transferred to third parties established in countries outside the European Union, with the possible exception of the provisions for the use of Cookies.

5. Method of processing and data retention period

Data are processed by automated means (e.g., using electronic procedures and media) and/or manually (e.g., on paper) for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected and, in any case, in accordance with the relevant regulations.

Personal data will be kept for the amount of time strictly necessary to pursue the specific purposes of the processing and, in particular:

- for the data indicated in Article 2.1., for the time necessary to carry out the specified activities, except for any findings of computer crimes to the detriment of the site;

- for the data indicated in art. 2.2., for the time necessary to carry out the services requested or respond to the requests made, except for any investigation of computer crimes to the detriment of the site; any further details on the retention of data regarding the individual service or request made may be provided in the specific information for the individual service requested;

- for the purposes indicated in Article 2.3. (marketing) for 24 (twenty-four) months from the time of the release of the specific and express consent to the processing by users/visitors.

6. Rights of the Interested Party

Users/visitors may at any time exercise the following direct.

a. Access to personal data: to obtain confirmation or otherwise that data concerning them is being processed and, if so, access to the following information: the purposes, the categories of data, the recipients, the period of storage, the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, the right to request rectification or cancellation or restriction of processing or opposition to the processing itself as well as the existence of an automated decision-making process;

b. Request for rectification or erasure of the same or restriction of processing concerning them; "restriction" means the marking of retained data with the aim of limiting their processing in the future;

c. Objection to processing: to object for reasons related to the particular situation to the processing of data for the performance of a public interest task or the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Controllers;

d. Portability of data: in the case of automated processing carried out on the basis of consent or in performance of a contract, to receive in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format the data concerning them; in particular, the data will be provided by the Controllers in .xml, or similar, format;

e. Revocation of consent to the processing for marketing purposes, both direct and indirect, market research; the exercise of this right does not affect in any way the lawfulness of the processing carried out before the revocation;

f. To lodge a complaint pursuant to Article 77 of the GDPR to the competent supervisory authority based on habitual residence, place of work or place of violation of rights; for Italy, the competent authority is the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali, which can be contacted through the contact details given on the website http://www.garanteprivacy.it.

The aforementioned rights may be exercised by sending an appropriate request to the Data Controller through the contact channels indicated in art. 1 of this policy.

Requests relating to the exercise of rights will be processed without undue delay and, in any case, within one month of the request; only in cases of particular complexity and the number of requests this deadline may be extended by an additional 2 (two) months.

7. Communication and provision of data

With the exception of what is specified for the data in Article 2.1 (navigation data, the failure to provide which coincides with the failure to navigate the website), users/visitors are free to provide their personal data and their failure to provide them may only result in the impossibility of obtaining the requested service.

8. Updating and amending the Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy may be subject to change over time - also related to the possible entry into force of new sector regulations, the updating or provision of new services or to intervening technological innovations - so the user/visitor is invited to periodically consult this page.